Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Today is the 37th Earth Day. China this year to determine the theme of the heavy ; activities to subserve a digit of national environmental statutes and regulations to build .1990 on April 22, more than 140 countries and regions nigh the world by nigh the same time held a diversity of promotional activities, the theme is how to amend the overall global surroundings. This movement agreement by the United Nations, then, every year on April 22 was identified as the development and environmental protection and coordinated development. World Earth Day every year, there is not specific theme of international unity, and its overall theme is always the Day movement, resolute in agreement with the theme year.
the overall environment over time, emerging issues, global warming, sour rain, biodiversity loss, seaman pollution, havoc of the ozone floor placed five issues In front of our humanity. I pessimistically trust that this continues, we'll be living where do you work?
fact, environmental protection efforts of the multinational community needs to government efforts, but we need the efforts of every people on world! We can begin with small entities, environmental awareness, so that we can re-emergence of life on Earth.
earth because she has such a circulation speed and magnetic field, only the atmosphere and water and other natural conditions that we live like this to be so comfortable. Is this a coincidence? preparations or who? or biological remodelling to its? macrocosm may be several other have a smart family!
Remember mm now we have only one Earth!
Remember mm immediately we have only one Earth!
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warming: mathematics narrate you (1)
1,700 million U.S. asthma patients, including 500 million babies. Public health experts anxiety that with the perennial emission of greenhouse gases, this Digital will continue to increase.
alive in Atlanta, Baltimore and Cincinnati dwellers of big cities may experience cloud in the medium of this centenary weather additional 60%.
due to climate warming, malaria and West Nile fever and additional ailments premonitory scatter in the United States.
since the last century 70's, the Arctic ice area has lost the equivalent of the U.S. state of Texas and Arizona combined.
petroleum combustion emissions of carbon dioxide preoccupy the nation's total carbon dioxide emissions in 1 / 3, agreeable the largest source of emissions than power factories. per gallon of petroleum can scald 19 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions. U.S. total carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles over the Indian thermal factories, power plants,The gift in admission of their years in China in 2010, motor vehicles and factories always emissions .
due to global warming,toronto escort, some areas in the next 50 years there will be approximately 1 / 3 of the savage species to the brim of extinction. salmon, trout, birds are quite acute to climate alteration. ruinous climate change ashore coral reefs effects.
the quondam 60 years, the Arctic winter temperatures have risen by 4 ℃, many faster than other regions. This excellent wildlife impacts, such for foxes, reindeer, walruses and polar bears, too changed the lifestyle of Arctic indigenous people. planting a screen tree can generate up to 40% can dwindle heating and cooling costs.
warming: numbers tell you (2)
2030 , the world's car ownership will amplify 50%.
current world oil consumption is twice the measure mined.
world's 1st 1 trillion barrels of oil consumed final 125 years, and to present consumption rate, the consumption of 1 trillion barrels and then merely 30 years.
in the afterward 20 annuals, global oil consumption growth in volume than the present 40%.
During the past century the average global temperature increased by 0.6 ℃.
It is foresaw that global temperatures in 2100 than in 1990, 5.8 ℃ higher 5000 million years this will be the maximum temperature of the Earth.
the current rate of sea level rise is a historical rate of 3 periods, and the trend is accelerating.
latest technological estimates, at 2100 sea levels will ascend 4 to 6 meters.
portions of the U.S. have been warming the 3 ℃.
2002 U.S. 48 states (besides Hawaii and Alaska) is not a state beneath the historical average temperature of the temperature.
from the first industrial revolution, airy carbon dioxide increased by 31%.
as global climate warming, scientists predict lusty regional malaria disease will spread further.
most worrying namely namely the West Antarctic ice sheet's breakdown, even though by 2100 this may be small, yet once explode, sea class will rise 41 to 51 cm.
Although some carbon dioxide from volcanic eruptions and other normal emissions, but emissions from human activities, approximately 7 billion tons of carbon dioxide every year.
the breakthrough of fashionable energy resources are condensed in districts complicated to extract may be due to material, technical, economic or political.
the largest in the world fuel product in the top 48 countries, 33 countries, production in the fall, meantime universal economic growth and development has activated the claim as energy.
world oil and natural gas accounted for energy supply more than 50%; according to the International Energy Agency prediction, unless there are major changes, oil, gas and coal (also produces carbon dioxide) in the 21st century will remain the chief source of energy.
International Energy Agency is anticipated in the next 30 years, the world needs to provide 16 trillion to nourish and distend energy supply.
more than 50% of global oil production from the 5 oil-rich nation.
agricultural and biological variety has been the clash of global warming; 10% of all known plant species are intimidated with extinction.
(upon data from the Earth Day Network Web site)
(picture from the Internet, thanks to the original writer!)

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