Wednesday, April 27, 2011

starting August first

Er er, there are the problems of Comrade老潘hh tin consider of where to eat luncheon above the work more than one hour hh eventually we ruthlessly reject !
very successful book-signing last week ! to a lot of people! old acquaintances , old school Old lover is coming! next time out !!
( wife : not that set up a stall selling paperbacks buzz hh Well ? not that age compared to the an the agreeable? proud of what? ) uh hh put chart! < br> Now, two stray dogs Lost ! are in Beijing !!!
Description : a small string about 3 months old dog, Emotional description : Look here! interested, please contact: Sun Ruinan . ( Sun students adore animals , good, merely you fight with the girls , no material the reason, very Ay . In increase , I've actually not generosity, you Misunderstood hh)
Description : Less than one year old , bear the dog's sequence ,so he wantonly open their claws, very good seeing , face favor Satsuma ,beijing escort, girl , 13 kg heaviness , color beige . very healthy. very good , very calm, fair appearance Sahuan . more affective specification : press here. If interested, amuse contact: Wen bamboo. (often emancipate animals classmates !)
and are a fashionable team. Zhuhai, the cardinal team because of missing also long , the current team of Macau + Zhuhai : 6914223 , Shanghai 3 groups : 52727666.
finally travel notification ! ( huh hh shuffle a lot of my preference entities together that led me to reflect on a long time without updates hh hh)
I ambition emulate the solid platinum ,toronto escorts, No Borders Lijiang - Shangri-La , beginning August first , 10 behind, is the legendary beauteous place ! ! ! is said apt be Britain bones fall individually hh er er, Lin queried at a huge neighbor to the hh
card machine

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