Wednesday, April 27, 2011

March 26

March 26 , 26 at the Theme because our public service activities in the operation , take practical deed to assist environmental protection. The The folk aboard environmental concerns. Earth Hour -21:30 rotate off the lights because an hour to show their advocate as behavior ashore weather alteration , in mandate to stimulate folk 's sense of duty to protect the Earth and other environmental issues of climate alteration considering , recommending that the common global action opposition climate alteration Support. This namely a global event ,toronto escort, the World Wildlife Fund in Sydney in 2007 initiated the first period later sweeping the globe at one panicking rate . Launched in Sydney, Australia ,have their own home, attracting over 2.2 million homes and businesses in Sydney to attend. Subsequently, the activity at an belling rate .2008 immediately swept the globe , WWF ( China) Foreign Liaison Office revealed that extra than 80 countries international and 1,toronto escort,000 cities Added activities. and testified at substantial individuals or affairs to a small acts of bounty ambition live in the people context have a mysterious clash , and even accomplishments of the future changed dramatically. extravagant carbon dioxide emissions occasion climate change threat is immediately greatly To the survival of humanity on Earth . We merely along changing the global carbon dioxide emissions for the outlook of the people in mandate to dilute this threat to our impact. wish that we deed together , adore our family .

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