Thursday, May 5, 2011

what would happen

Man doomed to destruction of their own greed.
If you want to re-evaluate and build on the natural environment for over-industrialization and havoc of the GDP for the worth, maybe since World War II, the human with the natural environment is not deteriorating in evolution, but in the recession.
Allen. Weisman (Alan Welsman) Interview
Imagine if humans no longer live the life of one, while the term memories into history, the world will be like? This may be a test of human impact on the environment with a new motif.
you are the last person on earth, no mm might similar with you a lot of people have had this illusion scenario. If this illusion into reality, even including you, Everyone suddenly disappear from this planet, what would happen? The fantasy is now a Man (Alan Welsman), now he was recruited by the University of Arizona, he served as companion professor of journalism. In this thought experiment on the head of, Weissman Why did not disappear without a trace of human behave rigorous interpretation. He simply assumed that the premise that human beings suddenly disappeared, and then describes the development over time, in years, decades or even centuries, the planet most presumable to happen.
statement along to Weisman, Earth Most of the infrastructure will now start to breakdown. not the way to cleaning and conservation of road maintenance workmen, a few months, those grand streets and highways will crack distortion. the afterward few decades,shanghai escort, many residential and office will collapse, but some obscure little belongings they have a strong corrosion resistance, such as those stainless steel kitchen appliances, if just buried in the overgrown mars of the kitchen, you can save thousands of years; and some common plastic productions may be hundreds of thousands of years are intact, until the microbes have evolved, such items can destroy down at present.
Man, tried to look why he wrote this book, and we tin study from what he capable in the research. The following are excerpts from the interview.
If human beings disappeared from the earth, the spectacular Manhattan Street would not exist for long. University of Arizona associate professor of Wiseman in his new book to narrate such a scenario: human disappeared, the tall mansions of New York will gradually become a lush forest.
once Niuyue La forest back to the early 17th century the state do? seemingly great, large-scale, always immortal memorial structure, in fact, vulnerable. they have all the traits, and even their survival, thanks to all mankind. l r in Manhattan, the language of the Indians, originally referred to throughout the mounds of the isle. Now more than Manhattan has transform smooth, full of criss-crossing the avenue. around Manhattan the past 40 flowing rill, and many springs. and now, notwithstanding the rainfall in this region and previous alike However, surface water is significantly reduced. Where did all the water gone? all secret underground. part of the drain away from the sewage system, but distant less natural drainage sewage system forcible, a great number of water surging undercurrent, looking for the exit. Even to be a smart sunny day, in order to assure flat flow of underground drainage system of underground tunnels every daytime to drain away from the 1,300 million gallons (about 50,000 cubic meters) of water, otherwise I am afraid that soon cornered into rivers and lakes where flooding had. ;
pumps, which rely on electricity-driven pumps. Currently, we use the most electricity comes from nuclear and thermal power. Many of these power generation facilities are equipped with fail-safe system, no monitoring, it will automatically air up in order to ensure power vegetation state will not be out of control. humans are gone, bear the brunt of the problem is the pump power outage led to the strike, floor water began to amass to the metro tunnel. just 48 hours, New York City can be mingled into a torrent of water, some places will even overflow the ground. failure of the drainage system, sewage will soon be blocked innumerable plastic bags and other debris. park clean-up of sticks and dry leaves that no one, then will join the ranks of embargo and become accomplices of plastic bags. ;
steel columns, but above the real streets. But these seemingly solid steel columns will soon be corrosion, the final fracture. a few years afterward, at the top of the street will collapse, some streets into rivers, like the barbaric age Manhattan did. collapse became unavoidable. In increase, deserving to climate change, extreme weather becoming more frequent, we have to face a more maniacal hurricanes, it will emerge at times in the eastern seashore of the North American continent. a building collapse resulting domino effect, will caused by the collapse of many buildings around, resulting in large open place. And the dust set off the collapse will bring seeds. The seed cracks in the pavement space and take root. they are already in the foliage layer can smooth roots, from lime from the concrete abrasive, as they create a more suitable environment for the growth of weak mordant. metropolis begins to develop its own little ecosystem. Summer heat winter cold, constantly alternating. Every spring, the temperature below the affect of the street The new cracks will seem. These cracks in the water under the inspire of freezing and thawing, becoming more and more breadth, seed germination can grow here, and all this lapse can occur. Huajuan not the human figure, 这颗 blue planet ecosystem will happen to it? Wiseman believes that some of the planet by observing the current ecological status of the original area, which we can get a peep of such a assumed world.
listening to adults talk about the Brothers Grimm, eyes will not emerge out of a picture: the black dismal forest, several more came the wolf howling at times; old trees, twigs, and covered with a dense lichen. Yes , in Poland and Belarus at the junction of the forest, is one such place. the beginning of the 14th century, a Duke of Lithuania (Lithuanian) (later sovereign of Poland) will set the sanctuary here, then, the Russian tsar turn here as a royal hunting ground. the Second World War, it became a national park. Here, you can see a lot of rare giant trees. those high 150 feet, 10 feet in diameter oaks and ash trees, the bark has grown thick enough Even the woodpeckers regarded here as a storage storeroom pineal. In this magical original forest, this is just some common phenomenon only. In addition to the wolf and the elk, the bison here is the home of the European native mm now such brutal population is sprinting out. naval confrontation. In this area among the two armies, inadvertently created a wildlife park mm, if only the special ecology of this zone, many species may have become extinct. Here, you will listen the soldiers through the spokesmen the voice of propaganda to each other to see non-stop waving dissemination slogans mm But in this tense atmosphere greets you but there are still cranes wintering relaxed. human world, I realized that human evolution should also be familiar with before the face of the world. To this end I came to the human origin in Africa, which is also the world's only remaining large animals roaming freely around the land. In fact, in other continents and many islands, formerly have had a lot of large animals. such as the American continent, the mammoth sloth, even more than the mammoth still great; Another example is the beaver, it has a bear's body. What these animals completely from the map of the Earth obliterated out? this problem up to now there is still discussion, but a lot of evidence pointing the finger of reprehend are we r. l in every continent, from the beginning of human presence, beast extinction to occur as a constant incubus. However, except in Africa This is a co-evolution of man and animals, the mainland, where the animals and even learned how to escape the annihilating of human beings. large tracts of forest will be re transcontinental. In the end, there will be more evolved herbivores. Accordingly, the larger predators will also be. the actual benefits. Weisman that his research means examine the environmental problems we face another gate opens.
Star's lethal rays at any time ambition take away everyone's life. We should imagine namely humans have this as a beginning point to look by our planet. If we peruse a book, describes in elaborate the environmental problems reasoned by the human hand, portended We may face hereafter calamities, the centers are inevitably filled with this thought: Oh my God, this terror is to run behind to a die! end of the globe do you really waving to us? terror and frustration often staying in our idea. Instead, I talked approximately this book straight to the point end of the world, to understand the world via the speculations, I trust that readers will eliminate unnecessary worry. no matter what the reason, at first anticipated human disappeared, and immediately let us bystanders outlook and see what happens. This namely to decrease our fear and nervousness in a good way. scrutinized happened in the world there are numerous no an, we can look at from dissimilar perspective, the present evolution of the world where to go. br> We play one major role in life. and ahead World War II, virtually entire this has no been connate. the human ability to control the Earth is growing, in the face of other category in proportion to the imbalance in this regard,shanghai escort, you might meditation, We do not have any optimism to the future. I'm at the end of the book presents a view: the human mandate for the new members of the ecosystem to linger, we ought converge extra on nourishing ecological balance. > wonderful civilization created by mankind results. When I talk about the heading of human disappear, some folk have this reaction: the vanish of human creatures not it a melancholy wastage it? those who shine in the annals of craft, exquisite statue, setting the establishing of human knowledge and imagination, which afterward the disappearance of culture in human destiny would you do? on them will quit our atmosphere, that human beings have existed before? there are some folk initially thought that no human The world would be better, merely then I thought, they likewise believe that the disappearance of human beings is not pleasing. In order to return to the world more healthy state and let the humans disappear, in my opinion, this is simply one unworthy shake. before it's thinning in the ozone membrane, universal temperatures heave, the proceeded scattering famine, the ebb in groundwater levels, loss of species, jungle degradation, all the conclusions of our incipient concert. If you want figures to illustrate it, We can give you an example: in 2000 the number of the world's population with our microcomputer models predicted in 1972 exactly the same figure, the prototype given the growth in universal food making is also consistent with the substantial location. ; in the elapse 10 years, there are numerous new file further advocate our judgments. For example, the global per capita food making in the mid-20th century, approached a peak of 80 navy fish catch prospects for persisted growth will no longer exists, the losses reasoned by normal calamities has been increasing in the tournament as fossil fuels is also growing, and even lead to clash. Between the evolution of human society will face solemn problems. According to the computer model calculations, in the most unhappy case, the development of human society will be the end of 2015. > Meadows added: In the 21st century, has continued to decline into the location forward of .1990 to 2001 10 years, accounting for 12% of the world's population in 54 countries have experienced declining per capita GDP's. Do not end the social development of the so-called r l end of the world attach. Mankind has survived for 20,000 generations, which multiplication up to about 10,000 in the years before and after period, the human suffering of the utmost weather change, yet the persevering human and did not therefore dead. So many for this latest weather change, our generation can also survive, but I am afraid that social development will face a caustic test, the earth's population will be greatly reduced, we developed industrial culture is going to experience dramatic changes. an stamina project is very interesting, both to protect the environment, but also way to vigor. The project shrieked neat energy from the desert l r, in truth, solar power. rely on the easy and practical technology, people from 150 square kilometers of desert taken to the sunlight, can generate enough electricity to power the whole of Europe. This technology also can use the residual energy of the power generation process, the purification of water, fair to assist solve the problem of deficit of drinking water desert. the project for the vast territory of China, also has excellent practical significance. br> 1968 years, a world leadership scientists, politicians and entrepreneurs of small-scale non-governmental organizations was nativity in Rome voicelessly. In its behest, the young scientist Dennis Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Meadows led from the 6 countries, 17 savants, using computer models of human society and economic growth trends are diagnosed, and in 1972 promulgated restrict the problem of development in the world, more than 3,000 million copies sold, environmental books in the first place. the Club of Rome and the > As the world's brightest and most influential team of people, members of the Club of Rome who are actively looking for a global rejoinder to climate change. Deputy Secretary-General of the Club of Rome about box. Gail to reporters cited a few examples of such : Former Soviet leader Mikhail. Gorbachev in 1993 to build a non-governmental environmental conservation union to introduce the solemn consequences of global climate change. He spoke, if only as quickly as likely countermeasures, climate change will bring a broad scope of water accent, finally leadership to the Earth 400 million hungry people and even necrosis.
as honorary membership of the Club of Rome, Kenya Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Deputy Minister Wangari. Maathai in 1977 launched the million trees, tropical rain forest in the protection of ecological environment in Africa the same time, provide employ opportunities for thousands of people, and she also won the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize.
the prominent economist, Hazel. Heng Dr. Anderson. In her view, to solve the serious problem of global climate change, it must fundamentally change the economic elements that cause these problems. To this end, she served as a consultant several administrations.
about grid. cover Seoul concluded: Global warming
30 years ago successfully predicted the fuel crisis of the Club of Rome once another a pioneer in environmental organizations issued a warning
2007 summer invasion of extreme climate events around the world. In Europe, Hungary, a week of unprecedented high-temperature heat died in 500, Britain suffered the worst in 60 years floods; in the United States, 25 kg of a colossal ice fall from the sky in explicit weather; in Southeast Asia, as rising temperatures and increased rainfall, Indonesia, Singapore's dengue cases increased over last year hh
approximately 3 times the basis causes of global climate change and where? human Is there any way to repress the pace of global warming? Recently,shanghai massage, the Morning News reporters Dai Zhaozhe and Xie Wenti to Hamburg, Germany, the mover of the global environmental organizations mmm Uwe Secretary-General of the Club of Rome. Moler, Deputy Secretary-General about grid. Gail and One question:
can summarize all the global warming climate
increase the concentration of the phenomenon. significant changes to the climate of this phenomenon. from 10 years ago, the conception of climate change are well understood, and this phenomenon has also been confirmed by scientists. However, until the last two years, people began warmhearted believed that phenomenon is already inescapable fact. There are even many people believe that global warming is not a wrong thing. there will be more rain, but some places will become more dry. So, in my opinion, with the temperature rise compared to the menace of global climate change have a greater fashion of expression is: rising sea levels, species extinction, storm and rain become more frequent, more complicated to predict and this will bring mmm extreme drought, food production and production capability to rely on other sources decline. limit problem. Today, most of the world's scientists, and many economists. believe that humans need to address the development of the next ultimate issue is global climate change. the pace of global warming
to take timely action if the human, we still hope to repossess the memories of cool summer? this, Uwe. Moller describes the dreadful situation of scientists in the eyes of the mercury thermometer Earth mm column, is to more quickly ascent.
decades, can we really understand the thawing ice, rising sea levels, changing the climate and shifting the consequences of rainfall. But in recent years, the rate of climate change has been further the human imagination In 2002, U.S. National Academy of Sciences reports that: Recent scientific testify shows that important and widespread climate change is already in location with startling speed. For example, since the since the last ice age about half of the Arctic warming in the last 10 years happen. in a long time before appearing. This is like you in the shower, hot water taps and shower linkage is a very long pipe. When you fulfil that out of the water in the shower while the temperature is too lofty,shanghai escort, Even if you turn off the heat as quickly as the tap, you need to wait a long time, to let off peppery bath full of water from the root Header Pipe too. We have opened the hot water tap for too long, has been entirely regain lost opportunities for the water temperature cool and cozy. In other words, human beings have been unable to avoid global warming. The only object we can do is accommodate their mentality and detect ways to adjust to it. crisis measures are only short-term only,and from Shanghai Putuo return, can not solve the root causes of climate change.
Human development has all been the pursuance of unlimited mm This brings the boost in world population, resource consumption and energy consumption. Even whether we can get a common power of magic, combat climate change, human greed will still lead to other problems. ;
have been severely marred. It should be said, only to reduce the earth's population, reducing energy use, is a fundamental weigh to address climate change. now those people are sharp technological and scientific means, such as carbon sequestration, energy efficiency and cheap carbon technology, We can merely solve the problem before the last, to safe as much of the time. replaced with compact fluorescent light bulbs, that is, we often mention that energy-saving light bulbs. For this reason, we can use half or less of electricity, brought to us by the age light lamp. However, if the energy of their human each ten years need to double use of the new aggregate power-consuming light bulbs will be the old light bulbs with 10 years antecedent almost the same. appraisal of the quality of life standard, the elucidation of success to focus more on the social and psychological state, rather than material wealth and economic development; the development of new land use and urbanization policies to reduce population density approximately. ;
of: Morning correspondent Cheng Yan (sent from Hamburg, Germany)

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